Have had a quiet couple of days. Did a lot of crafting today. I wish I could tell you what I did but its a surprise for Jenny's birthday in 2 weeks. Suffice it to say that it took the majority of the day and involved my various skills (crocheting, sewing and painting). Didn't get to the painting part today but will do that tomorrow!
The plummer was supposed to come today but cancelled because my new sink wasn't in. He said he'll be by tomorrow (if the sink arrives). I'm kinda sad to say goodbye to my lovely green one! I imagine the new one will be white. Bummer.
Tomorrow will involve more sewing and possibly painting as well as visiting with friends (if the roads are safe enough to drive on).
I'm rambling and need to get to bed.
Talk to you soon!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Today was such a busy day my head is spinning!
Was up at 8:20am. Norma (one of the building managers) knocked on my door at 8:30 (thank goodness I was dressed!) to kindly warn me that the plummer would be using a solvent glue that stinks to high heaven so I might want to clear out while he's working if smells like that bother me. Kind of her.
The plummer arrived at about 9:30 and got right to work. I got a call from Chase (our PYPS President) shortly after the plummer showed up to tell me that he had written the letter to Cooke's, asking if we can use the church for our next convention, but his computer deleted it before he could send it and he was at work and wouldn't have a chance to send it before the Session meeting tonight where the letter is needed. So I wrote one up... didn't do a fabulous job to be honest but that's what happens when things get left to the last minute.
I left the plummer here, doing his thing and took the letter over to the church. From there I went to the pharmacy to pick up my pills and return the doses that I forgot to take (mostly afternoon doses as I was being weaned off). From there I went to a new cafe up Young Road (I think that's young rd) by the Shoppers Drug Mart. Its called "The Preserved Seed". Bought a Spiced Chai Tea Latte that was delicious. Its a kind of Bistro - soups and sandwhiches, etc. The service was really great and everyone was really friendly. I was going to sit and write a few letters while I drank my tea but by the time my order came up the only tables that were empty were tables for four. I decided that me and my tea would take a walk over to Jenny's (on Edward St). I arrived there and she invited me for lunch. We gabbed and I decided I would mosey on to Pricesmart when I realized it was 1:20pm and mom was going to pick me up at 1 to take me to Agassiz! Whoops.
I made a quick call to dad who told me that mom was on the cell and was getting groceries. Mom picked me up at Jenny's after she was done getting groceries. We headed back to the house to drop the groceries off and then went to Agassiz. One of my church ladies disappeared from church a few months ago and I finally got worried enough about her to ask her friend where she was. Turns out she's in an old-age home in Agassiz. Mom and I took a trip out there and I visited for quite a while with her and mom chatted with some nurse friends that work there. Mom got the tour of the place and even got permission for mom and I to take her on a walk next time we come to visit. She looks better then I've ever seen her look but there are definite moments of confusion for her. Nothing I can do about it though except make the most of our visits while she remembers me. I asked if I could come back and visit again and she said "Sure!". I look forward to it.
After that, mom dropped me off at home. I came in, took my shoes off and then realized that I still needed to get to Pricesmart before it got dark out to pick up the sour-cherries and whipping cream for tomorrow's cake. So I put my shoes back on and hoofed it quickly, in the pouring rain, to Pricesmart and back. I puddle jumped the entire way home - got soaking wet and elicited a few strange looks from the people passing me. oh well - that's their problem! ha! Got in and promptly got a gusher of a nosebleed... yuk. It happens.
I just got a chance to inspect the plummer's work and he didn't do much of anything in the bathroom but I got a new faucet in the kitchen and a new toilet seat (thank heavens, the other one was always falling off!). Just before I left him this morning he mentioned he'd come back and install a new bathroom sink and will fix my tub surround and put a new temperature control in the tub. I'll be seeing him again soon, I suppose.
So that was my day. I'm heading to bed now!
Talk to you soon!
Was up at 8:20am. Norma (one of the building managers) knocked on my door at 8:30 (thank goodness I was dressed!) to kindly warn me that the plummer would be using a solvent glue that stinks to high heaven so I might want to clear out while he's working if smells like that bother me. Kind of her.
The plummer arrived at about 9:30 and got right to work. I got a call from Chase (our PYPS President) shortly after the plummer showed up to tell me that he had written the letter to Cooke's, asking if we can use the church for our next convention, but his computer deleted it before he could send it and he was at work and wouldn't have a chance to send it before the Session meeting tonight where the letter is needed. So I wrote one up... didn't do a fabulous job to be honest but that's what happens when things get left to the last minute.
I left the plummer here, doing his thing and took the letter over to the church. From there I went to the pharmacy to pick up my pills and return the doses that I forgot to take (mostly afternoon doses as I was being weaned off). From there I went to a new cafe up Young Road (I think that's young rd) by the Shoppers Drug Mart. Its called "The Preserved Seed". Bought a Spiced Chai Tea Latte that was delicious. Its a kind of Bistro - soups and sandwhiches, etc. The service was really great and everyone was really friendly. I was going to sit and write a few letters while I drank my tea but by the time my order came up the only tables that were empty were tables for four. I decided that me and my tea would take a walk over to Jenny's (on Edward St). I arrived there and she invited me for lunch. We gabbed and I decided I would mosey on to Pricesmart when I realized it was 1:20pm and mom was going to pick me up at 1 to take me to Agassiz! Whoops.
I made a quick call to dad who told me that mom was on the cell and was getting groceries. Mom picked me up at Jenny's after she was done getting groceries. We headed back to the house to drop the groceries off and then went to Agassiz. One of my church ladies disappeared from church a few months ago and I finally got worried enough about her to ask her friend where she was. Turns out she's in an old-age home in Agassiz. Mom and I took a trip out there and I visited for quite a while with her and mom chatted with some nurse friends that work there. Mom got the tour of the place and even got permission for mom and I to take her on a walk next time we come to visit. She looks better then I've ever seen her look but there are definite moments of confusion for her. Nothing I can do about it though except make the most of our visits while she remembers me. I asked if I could come back and visit again and she said "Sure!". I look forward to it.
After that, mom dropped me off at home. I came in, took my shoes off and then realized that I still needed to get to Pricesmart before it got dark out to pick up the sour-cherries and whipping cream for tomorrow's cake. So I put my shoes back on and hoofed it quickly, in the pouring rain, to Pricesmart and back. I puddle jumped the entire way home - got soaking wet and elicited a few strange looks from the people passing me. oh well - that's their problem! ha! Got in and promptly got a gusher of a nosebleed... yuk. It happens.
I just got a chance to inspect the plummer's work and he didn't do much of anything in the bathroom but I got a new faucet in the kitchen and a new toilet seat (thank heavens, the other one was always falling off!). Just before I left him this morning he mentioned he'd come back and install a new bathroom sink and will fix my tub surround and put a new temperature control in the tub. I'll be seeing him again soon, I suppose.
So that was my day. I'm heading to bed now!
Talk to you soon!
Monday, February 23, 2009

Today was quite lovely. Went with dad to the auto wrecker to pick up an inside door handle for mom's truck. Found the part we were looking plus the customer service was really awesome. I can't remember the name of the place but it was the one with the white fence just before you turn off to go to Cultas.
Jen and I were going to get together but she wasn't feeling so great after running her errands and appointments so we've postponed our ice cream date for another day. That's ok because it let me get some sewing done. I sewed myself the nightgown pictured here. Its made with tye-dye quilting flannel and I just love it!
The plummer is coming tomorrow morning which is kinda fun. Not sure what I'll do while he's here... its not a big place. Will likely read while he does his work and try to stay out of his way. He seems like a nice enough guy - met him the other day on my way in from picking up the mail.
Better run and clean out my bathroom cabnet. I'm getting a new sink and taps tomorrow!
Talk to you soon!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Hyvää iltaa!
(Good Evening in Finnish... hey, did you know that Finland is officially the second most stable country in the world? Canada is the eleventh. Norway is the first.)
Hope you're all doing well!
Yesterday came together (as it usually does). I was a bit of a zombie in the morning but I walked over to the Ag-Rec shop to help dad saw up some plywood for some projects he's making for me and Jill. We did that and had a couple cups of tea and chatted with a few people after we were done. Dad and I loaded the wood and then he and I went to Pricesmart for a few groceries for me and then he dropped me off. Mom called a little bit later and said dad was on his way to pick me up - they were ordering Chinese food. It was lots of fun. (Mom and dad came over to help me eat my clam chowder after mom was off work on Friday. It was pretty good. I have enough left over for maybe a meal and a half. woot. I'm so thankful they helped me eat it. I would have had to freeze the left overs).
Today was a full day.
Worship practice went well. We sang fine in the service, too. The sermon feels like forever ago but I do remember that it was Transfiguration Sunday so that's what the children's story was about. I remember Rev. Willem mentioning that we need to walk to road of suffering with Jesus. Kinda struck me as a "suck it up" sorta deal. Not in a bad way, though. Suffering is everywhere and we need to learn to deal with it as Christ would. I found out after the service that one of my lady friends who hasn't been to church in quite a while isn't doing very well. Hurts my heart to think of her not being herself. Mom and I are going to visit her on Tuesday. I'm looking forward that. I have quite a few friends that are seniors and I hate seeing them become ill. I know that they'll eventually go on home to Jesus but I feel a bit selfish and want them to stay here!
Jen came over after she was done at church which totally boosted my spirits. We went out for Sushi and then over to her place where I took a cat nap on their couch. After I woke up we went over to her sister's place (next door). She and her partner Pie (or maybe its Pye, can never remember) are such hoots! Love 'em both! We went back to her place and ate supper with her family and then went on an adventure to Walmart. Turns out their portrait studio closes at 5 on Sundays so I could shop in the clear and not worry about seizures. woot! I bought some Campbell's soup (50 cents a can!) and a new top ($14)
Jen dropped me off about an hour and a half ago and I'm ready for bed!
Talk to you soon!
(Good Evening in Finnish... hey, did you know that Finland is officially the second most stable country in the world? Canada is the eleventh. Norway is the first.)
Hope you're all doing well!
Yesterday came together (as it usually does). I was a bit of a zombie in the morning but I walked over to the Ag-Rec shop to help dad saw up some plywood for some projects he's making for me and Jill. We did that and had a couple cups of tea and chatted with a few people after we were done. Dad and I loaded the wood and then he and I went to Pricesmart for a few groceries for me and then he dropped me off. Mom called a little bit later and said dad was on his way to pick me up - they were ordering Chinese food. It was lots of fun. (Mom and dad came over to help me eat my clam chowder after mom was off work on Friday. It was pretty good. I have enough left over for maybe a meal and a half. woot. I'm so thankful they helped me eat it. I would have had to freeze the left overs).
Today was a full day.
Worship practice went well. We sang fine in the service, too. The sermon feels like forever ago but I do remember that it was Transfiguration Sunday so that's what the children's story was about. I remember Rev. Willem mentioning that we need to walk to road of suffering with Jesus. Kinda struck me as a "suck it up" sorta deal. Not in a bad way, though. Suffering is everywhere and we need to learn to deal with it as Christ would. I found out after the service that one of my lady friends who hasn't been to church in quite a while isn't doing very well. Hurts my heart to think of her not being herself. Mom and I are going to visit her on Tuesday. I'm looking forward that. I have quite a few friends that are seniors and I hate seeing them become ill. I know that they'll eventually go on home to Jesus but I feel a bit selfish and want them to stay here!
Jen came over after she was done at church which totally boosted my spirits. We went out for Sushi and then over to her place where I took a cat nap on their couch. After I woke up we went over to her sister's place (next door). She and her partner Pie (or maybe its Pye, can never remember) are such hoots! Love 'em both! We went back to her place and ate supper with her family and then went on an adventure to Walmart. Turns out their portrait studio closes at 5 on Sundays so I could shop in the clear and not worry about seizures. woot! I bought some Campbell's soup (50 cents a can!) and a new top ($14)
Jen dropped me off about an hour and a half ago and I'm ready for bed!
Talk to you soon!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Hey there folks!
I sure am enjoying this beautiful weather - hope you are too!
Parkholm this morning was good. We had four clients in the pool and they were all so chatty - it was great! Sometimes they just sit there and ignore our attempts at conversation but today was different. Lots of fun! I walked home but got to the park at the pool and decided that I should sit down on their lovely lawn and soak up my UV rays for the day. I had a notebook with me so I wrote a few letters. I decided it was time to move on when my legs started to fall asleep! I'm sure I was quite a site, walking funny while my feet 'woke up'. It amused me. ha ha.
Have been doing chores here and there - garbage and laundry. Am going to tidy up the rest of the dishes. Shouldn't take too long.
Katie's cake turned out great!! I've never made a layer cake before and was worried I would botch it... but I didn't! Thank you Auntie Gloria! (She gave me step-by-step instructions which really, really helped).
It was great to see Katie, Joshua and Ryan. Joshua was really quite taken with the chickens which was cool. He wasn't too sure about them at first (they come up to his belly button and they're scary looking things from that level!). But soon enough he was picking up eggs and having a great time. He wasn't too sure about the sheep and loved my hammock swing that dad sneakily put up for him. Had a lot of fun in that! Ryan is growing so much, I can hardly believe it. He's pulling himself up to stand on things and is getting into everything! So adorable! Its amazing Katie has time to breathe with two active boys!
Had a doctor's appt after the lunch with mom and Katie... just a perscription renewal. Its official - my drug load has been lessened by one dose. Totally rocks. While I was there one of the office ladies saw my shawl and asked me to make her one, too. I picked up the yarn (white and cream) on the way home from the doctor's and have begun crocheting. I'd like to have it done by Monday which means a lot of crocheting for me this weekend. We'll see... that time-line might be slightly optimistic.
Went with Jill yesterday to see the sheep and lambs that she's taking care of. They're SO adorable! I always have a good time with Jill!
Tomorrow is Saturday and I don't have any plans. Will see what comes up - something always presents itself. I should go pick a few things up for Sunday supper (beef and broccoli). I did some shopping yesterday and picked up the fixings for clam chowder... and oh my goodness does the recipe ever make a lot! I'll be eating clam chowder for weeks! My crockpot is just about full (5 quarts)! Will have to invite someone over to help me eat it. tee hee.
We're singing at church on Sunday. I missed the practice on Wednesday because I was a flake and completely forgot about it. Whoops. Sunday practice is at 9:15am. Woot.
Better get a move on and rescue my laundry from the washing machines.
Talk to you soon!
I sure am enjoying this beautiful weather - hope you are too!
Parkholm this morning was good. We had four clients in the pool and they were all so chatty - it was great! Sometimes they just sit there and ignore our attempts at conversation but today was different. Lots of fun! I walked home but got to the park at the pool and decided that I should sit down on their lovely lawn and soak up my UV rays for the day. I had a notebook with me so I wrote a few letters. I decided it was time to move on when my legs started to fall asleep! I'm sure I was quite a site, walking funny while my feet 'woke up'. It amused me. ha ha.
Have been doing chores here and there - garbage and laundry. Am going to tidy up the rest of the dishes. Shouldn't take too long.
Katie's cake turned out great!! I've never made a layer cake before and was worried I would botch it... but I didn't! Thank you Auntie Gloria! (She gave me step-by-step instructions which really, really helped).
It was great to see Katie, Joshua and Ryan. Joshua was really quite taken with the chickens which was cool. He wasn't too sure about them at first (they come up to his belly button and they're scary looking things from that level!). But soon enough he was picking up eggs and having a great time. He wasn't too sure about the sheep and loved my hammock swing that dad sneakily put up for him. Had a lot of fun in that! Ryan is growing so much, I can hardly believe it. He's pulling himself up to stand on things and is getting into everything! So adorable! Its amazing Katie has time to breathe with two active boys!
Had a doctor's appt after the lunch with mom and Katie... just a perscription renewal. Its official - my drug load has been lessened by one dose. Totally rocks. While I was there one of the office ladies saw my shawl and asked me to make her one, too. I picked up the yarn (white and cream) on the way home from the doctor's and have begun crocheting. I'd like to have it done by Monday which means a lot of crocheting for me this weekend. We'll see... that time-line might be slightly optimistic.
Went with Jill yesterday to see the sheep and lambs that she's taking care of. They're SO adorable! I always have a good time with Jill!
Tomorrow is Saturday and I don't have any plans. Will see what comes up - something always presents itself. I should go pick a few things up for Sunday supper (beef and broccoli). I did some shopping yesterday and picked up the fixings for clam chowder... and oh my goodness does the recipe ever make a lot! I'll be eating clam chowder for weeks! My crockpot is just about full (5 quarts)! Will have to invite someone over to help me eat it. tee hee.
We're singing at church on Sunday. I missed the practice on Wednesday because I was a flake and completely forgot about it. Whoops. Sunday practice is at 9:15am. Woot.
Better get a move on and rescue my laundry from the washing machines.
Talk to you soon!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Well hello folks!
Its been a few days since I wrote - please forgive me!
Church on Sunday was good. Sunday school was good - we had two kids. Kristy and Jen came over for tea at about 2:30 and we chatted away for ages. Its always good to see them. Kristy is pregnant with her and her husband's second baby. Sadie (their first) was here, too, walkin and talkin up a storm! She's 14 months and is just the cutest!
Jenny came over yesterday morning while Shea was in preschool. Eli played and had a good time while we chatted away! Had a blast! I did a little shopping after she went home. In the afternoon Jill picked me up and we went to Zellers to pick up some yarn for my shawl. She also brought me the second season of Little House on the Prairie that she ordered last week - totally exciting!

Today was quiet. Went with dad and ran a few errands. I finished my shawl without needing any of the yarn I bought yesterday so dad took me back to Zellers to return it. I baked a cake this evening for Katie's birthday. Aunt Gloria leant me her Black Forest Cake recipe. Yum! Katie is picking me up tomorrow at 11 and we're heading to mom's for lunch. The cake is part of my birthday gift to her (her birthday was at the end of Janurary but she's been super under the weather so this is the first we've been together).
I finished this shawl yesterday. I really like it - very cozy and fun to wear. Its just a huge triangle that goes around my neck, across my chest and ties behind my back. Dad seemed to think it was "riding up" but no, its supposed to look like this. I'm on a *bit* of a Little House on the Prairie kick. This is one of the ways that Caroline Ingalls ("Ma") ties her shawls.
Talk to you soon.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Guuten aabend!
That's Cimbrian for "Good Evening".
I hadn't heard of Cimbrian either... <--- everything you wanted to know and more about the language. To make a long story short, its a German dialect spoken in northeastern Italy.
Yesterday was lovely. Parkholm was fun, as usual, and then I headed upstairs for a quick visit to mom who gave me my Valentines Day gift. She spoiled me rotten (new socks, pens, a loose tea strainer, a book on soup, and these really rad straws that turn white milk into chocolate milk)! I hoofed it back home with enough time to watch the last 10 minutes of my Little House on the Prairie episode, chug a class of water and wash the ever growing pile of dishes... and then *poof* Aunt Aileen and my cousin Janet were on my door step. It was SO good to see them!
They also spoiled me... knitted dishcloths, tea towels, cookies... but most special of all, she gave me some of my Grandma Demerse (dad's mom)'s recipes for fudge and pastry and gave Jill and I each one of her mom's tea cups and saucers (my great-grandma, Janet Helen Demerse). What an incredibly special gift. I couldn't thank her enough and had to hold back the tears that were threatening! Aunt also told me stories about the cups and saucers - so special! Jill and I have lots of history and things from mom's side of the family but we don't have much on dad's side. I'm so thankful for these pieces of history!
The three of us chatted away and before I knew it they were out the door. I didn't know what to do with myself after that so I thought I would give dad a call and tell him about the tea cups. He invited me over to the house for Valentines supper. I made a few paper decorations which were kinda corny but fun, too. I helped dad with supper, Jill made dessert and we surprised mom with supper and presents when she got off work at 7. After supper Jill attacked my eyebrows with tweezers (not my idea of fun but we laughed a lot!). And then home I went and worked on my triangle shawl.
It was a busy day!
Today was fun. Jill picked me up and we both went to uncle Bill's birthday party - had a hoot. Jill left early but dad and I stayed until 5, chatting away with the family. Uncle George came for a little bit. I crocheted quite a bit on my shawl and chatted with the rest of my extended family. Dad dropped me off afterwards and I made a pot of vegetable soup. I cooked a bit of maccaroni on the side and threw it into my bowl. It would have been better to boil it in the soup broth but I didn't think that far ahead. It was pretty delicious and I have left-overs for tomorrow.
Was bumming around the internet earlier this evening and checked the food blog "Mennonite Girls can Cook" and came across this recipe: Its a recipe for chocolate cake in a mug (you 'bake' it in the microwave)! So I gave that a try tonight. Like the site says, its pretty dense and is waaaay more then one person could eat by themselves but with a little vanilla ice cream, the half that I ate was pretty darn good. It calls for a 1000 watt microwave... I don't know what my microwave is (couldn't find the manual and I didn't feel like turning the unit around to check on the back) but it was still a bit goo-ey on the bottom when I dumped it out of the mug... I popped it back in the microwave on a plate for 45 seconds which didn't fix it 100% but it cooked up most of the goo. The next time I do this, I'll add another tablespoon of sugar... it wasn't very sweet... but the chocolate chips make it taste pretty ok. I'll put the recipe at the bottom of this post.
Am going to bed in a bit. Am pretty tired.
Church is tomorrow - I'm helping with Sunday School. Should be good. Afterwards I plan on stopping in to Jen and Jenny's to drop of their Valentines gifts.
Hope you guys had a good Valentines Day!
Talk to you soon!
Chocolate Cake in a Mug
This cake in a mug was fun to make! The cake is slightly dense but still quite delicious served warm with a scoop of ice cream. Sounds like an idea for Valentine's Day. I got this recipe from my long time friend, Em.
4 tbsp flour
4 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp cocoa
1 egg
3 tbsp milk
3 tbsp oil
3 tbsp choc chips
small splash of vanilla
1 large mug
Put dry ingredients in mug and mix. Add egg and mix thoroughly. Pour in milk and oil and mix well. Add choc chips and vanilla and mix again.Place mug in microwave (1000 watts) and cook for 3 min. The cake will rise over the top of the mug but don't be alarmed. Allow to cool a bit and tip out on a plate if desired or eat right out of the mug.
Dessert for two
That's Cimbrian for "Good Evening".
I hadn't heard of Cimbrian either... <--- everything you wanted to know and more about the language. To make a long story short, its a German dialect spoken in northeastern Italy.
Yesterday was lovely. Parkholm was fun, as usual, and then I headed upstairs for a quick visit to mom who gave me my Valentines Day gift. She spoiled me rotten (new socks, pens, a loose tea strainer, a book on soup, and these really rad straws that turn white milk into chocolate milk)! I hoofed it back home with enough time to watch the last 10 minutes of my Little House on the Prairie episode, chug a class of water and wash the ever growing pile of dishes... and then *poof* Aunt Aileen and my cousin Janet were on my door step. It was SO good to see them!
They also spoiled me... knitted dishcloths, tea towels, cookies... but most special of all, she gave me some of my Grandma Demerse (dad's mom)'s recipes for fudge and pastry and gave Jill and I each one of her mom's tea cups and saucers (my great-grandma, Janet Helen Demerse). What an incredibly special gift. I couldn't thank her enough and had to hold back the tears that were threatening! Aunt also told me stories about the cups and saucers - so special! Jill and I have lots of history and things from mom's side of the family but we don't have much on dad's side. I'm so thankful for these pieces of history!
The three of us chatted away and before I knew it they were out the door. I didn't know what to do with myself after that so I thought I would give dad a call and tell him about the tea cups. He invited me over to the house for Valentines supper. I made a few paper decorations which were kinda corny but fun, too. I helped dad with supper, Jill made dessert and we surprised mom with supper and presents when she got off work at 7. After supper Jill attacked my eyebrows with tweezers (not my idea of fun but we laughed a lot!). And then home I went and worked on my triangle shawl.
It was a busy day!
Today was fun. Jill picked me up and we both went to uncle Bill's birthday party - had a hoot. Jill left early but dad and I stayed until 5, chatting away with the family. Uncle George came for a little bit. I crocheted quite a bit on my shawl and chatted with the rest of my extended family. Dad dropped me off afterwards and I made a pot of vegetable soup. I cooked a bit of maccaroni on the side and threw it into my bowl. It would have been better to boil it in the soup broth but I didn't think that far ahead. It was pretty delicious and I have left-overs for tomorrow.
Was bumming around the internet earlier this evening and checked the food blog "Mennonite Girls can Cook" and came across this recipe: Its a recipe for chocolate cake in a mug (you 'bake' it in the microwave)! So I gave that a try tonight. Like the site says, its pretty dense and is waaaay more then one person could eat by themselves but with a little vanilla ice cream, the half that I ate was pretty darn good. It calls for a 1000 watt microwave... I don't know what my microwave is (couldn't find the manual and I didn't feel like turning the unit around to check on the back) but it was still a bit goo-ey on the bottom when I dumped it out of the mug... I popped it back in the microwave on a plate for 45 seconds which didn't fix it 100% but it cooked up most of the goo. The next time I do this, I'll add another tablespoon of sugar... it wasn't very sweet... but the chocolate chips make it taste pretty ok. I'll put the recipe at the bottom of this post.
Am going to bed in a bit. Am pretty tired.
Church is tomorrow - I'm helping with Sunday School. Should be good. Afterwards I plan on stopping in to Jen and Jenny's to drop of their Valentines gifts.
Hope you guys had a good Valentines Day!
Talk to you soon!
Chocolate Cake in a Mug
This cake in a mug was fun to make! The cake is slightly dense but still quite delicious served warm with a scoop of ice cream. Sounds like an idea for Valentine's Day. I got this recipe from my long time friend, Em.
4 tbsp flour
4 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp cocoa
1 egg
3 tbsp milk
3 tbsp oil
3 tbsp choc chips
small splash of vanilla
1 large mug
Put dry ingredients in mug and mix. Add egg and mix thoroughly. Pour in milk and oil and mix well. Add choc chips and vanilla and mix again.Place mug in microwave (1000 watts) and cook for 3 min. The cake will rise over the top of the mug but don't be alarmed. Allow to cool a bit and tip out on a plate if desired or eat right out of the mug.
Dessert for two
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Hello folks!
We had a worship committee meeting yesterday that went well. We discussed drums and no one freaked out about anything. That's mostly thanks to Marius who did a really great job explaining that we won't be turning the praise music part of the service into a punk rock concert! I ended up taking minutes and had a hoot. I really like taking minutes but they don't call on me very often. Not entirely sure why since they always tell me I do a good job. Weird. Not that I'm asking for more work! ha ha!
Went for supper afterwards to mom and dad's. Jill picked me up and we had yummy asparagus, among other things!
Today was devoted mostly to taking apart a crocheted bolaro sweater I made last winter. I really love the colour but it was too big and looked goofy on me. I made it with really fuzzy yarn that was a serious pain to take apart (four and a half hours). I know that that might seem like a waste of time to some people but it really wasn't that bad. About half way through I finally devised a way of unraveling it without snapping the yarn. That really sped things up! I started crocheting a triangle shawl for myself. I've got about four rows done but after working with the blasted yarn all day I couldn't stand to touch it anymore! I'll pick it up again tomorrow.
Tomorrow I'm going to Parkholm, all things being equal. Looking forward to it. Will also stop by the hospital and say hi to mom at work afterwards.
Talk to you soon!
We had a worship committee meeting yesterday that went well. We discussed drums and no one freaked out about anything. That's mostly thanks to Marius who did a really great job explaining that we won't be turning the praise music part of the service into a punk rock concert! I ended up taking minutes and had a hoot. I really like taking minutes but they don't call on me very often. Not entirely sure why since they always tell me I do a good job. Weird. Not that I'm asking for more work! ha ha!
I made a quick trip to the bookman and picked up a few books and then Jill and I went to Agassiz to pick up the Agar. It went great. I was planning on making the vegetarian marshmallows today but it just didn't happen. Will aim for tomorrow. The shop is called "Black Sea Organics" and the ladies were so helpful and fun! I really recommend them.
Went for supper afterwards to mom and dad's. Jill picked me up and we had yummy asparagus, among other things!
Today was devoted mostly to taking apart a crocheted bolaro sweater I made last winter. I really love the colour but it was too big and looked goofy on me. I made it with really fuzzy yarn that was a serious pain to take apart (four and a half hours). I know that that might seem like a waste of time to some people but it really wasn't that bad. About half way through I finally devised a way of unraveling it without snapping the yarn. That really sped things up! I started crocheting a triangle shawl for myself. I've got about four rows done but after working with the blasted yarn all day I couldn't stand to touch it anymore! I'll pick it up again tomorrow.
Tomorrow I'm going to Parkholm, all things being equal. Looking forward to it. Will also stop by the hospital and say hi to mom at work afterwards.
Talk to you soon!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Hey there folks!
Took a stroll to the post office this afternoon to mail a few parcels. It was a nice, brisk walk. Very chilly out there but it was lovely nonetheless. The ladies at the post office are so much fun - had a hoot there. Definitely not professional but what do I care?? Ha ha. They said life is rough when you have to work with people you actually like. I laughed out loud when they said that. I've always had great service at the post office downtown... the ladies at other post offices aren't always so friendly.
Jill and I ran a few errands earlier today, too. We went to the big dollar store out by Canadian Tire and to Zellers. Lots of fun. Picked up Valentines day presents for Jen and Jenny (just something small). I'm really excited about it and I'd tell you what it is but they both check my blog now and then and it would ruin the surprise if I mentioned it here. I'll tell you after Valentines day (if I remember)!
Jill dropped me off a little bit ago. She 'kidnapped' me and we drove out to Langley to have half-sweet Chai Tea Latte from Esquires. Yum, Yum, Yum!
Tomorrow mom and I are going to Aggasiz to pick up some Agar Agar at the health food store out there. I want to try making vegetarian marshmallows for Michelle (a friend). I also have a worship committee meeting at church at 2pm... I think we're going to talk about adding a drum kit to our praise group. Has the potential to go either good or bad. Will have to wait and see. Prayers on that note would be appreciated.
Talk to you soon!
Took a stroll to the post office this afternoon to mail a few parcels. It was a nice, brisk walk. Very chilly out there but it was lovely nonetheless. The ladies at the post office are so much fun - had a hoot there. Definitely not professional but what do I care?? Ha ha. They said life is rough when you have to work with people you actually like. I laughed out loud when they said that. I've always had great service at the post office downtown... the ladies at other post offices aren't always so friendly.
Jill and I ran a few errands earlier today, too. We went to the big dollar store out by Canadian Tire and to Zellers. Lots of fun. Picked up Valentines day presents for Jen and Jenny (just something small). I'm really excited about it and I'd tell you what it is but they both check my blog now and then and it would ruin the surprise if I mentioned it here. I'll tell you after Valentines day (if I remember)!
Jill dropped me off a little bit ago. She 'kidnapped' me and we drove out to Langley to have half-sweet Chai Tea Latte from Esquires. Yum, Yum, Yum!
Tomorrow mom and I are going to Aggasiz to pick up some Agar Agar at the health food store out there. I want to try making vegetarian marshmallows for Michelle (a friend). I also have a worship committee meeting at church at 2pm... I think we're going to talk about adding a drum kit to our praise group. Has the potential to go either good or bad. Will have to wait and see. Prayers on that note would be appreciated.
Talk to you soon!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Hello folks!
As you can see - I've overhauled my blog. It took the better part of an afternoon but I finally figured out how to use the different programs and websites involved. I'm pretty happy with the final product!
Today was good. Church this morning was good, as usual.
Practice this morning went really well and we sang during the service just fine (Shine Jesus Shine and Step by Step). Everyone there knows Shine Jesus Shine so it was pretty loud with everyone singing and some people even clapped at the right part! I'll safely say that most people don't know Step by Step so it was much quieter but they'll learn it soon enough, I imagine.
The sermon was about companions and caring for one another (friends as well as those in need). He talked about how Paul and Timothy and this dude named Epaphroditus... and how they were 'kindred spirits'. Made me think of some of the friendships I have in my life. God has blessed me with many friends and I care about each of them deeply but my Boosom Friends are undeniably Jenny and Jen.
Went for a jaunt to Pricesmart before it got dark or it rained (which ever came first). The milk in my fridge expired yesterday but still tastes fine... I have a feeling it'll turn in the next day or so... I want to have fresh milk on hand for when that happens.
Jenny is popping over briefly to drop off some stuff and I plan to do some sewing in the meantime.
Talk to you soon!
As you can see - I've overhauled my blog. It took the better part of an afternoon but I finally figured out how to use the different programs and websites involved. I'm pretty happy with the final product!
Today was good. Church this morning was good, as usual.
Practice this morning went really well and we sang during the service just fine (Shine Jesus Shine and Step by Step). Everyone there knows Shine Jesus Shine so it was pretty loud with everyone singing and some people even clapped at the right part! I'll safely say that most people don't know Step by Step so it was much quieter but they'll learn it soon enough, I imagine.
The sermon was about companions and caring for one another (friends as well as those in need). He talked about how Paul and Timothy and this dude named Epaphroditus... and how they were 'kindred spirits'. Made me think of some of the friendships I have in my life. God has blessed me with many friends and I care about each of them deeply but my Boosom Friends are undeniably Jenny and Jen.
Went for a jaunt to Pricesmart before it got dark or it rained (which ever came first). The milk in my fridge expired yesterday but still tastes fine... I have a feeling it'll turn in the next day or so... I want to have fresh milk on hand for when that happens.
Jenny is popping over briefly to drop off some stuff and I plan to do some sewing in the meantime.
Talk to you soon!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Things here are good, as usual.
Had a moderately busy day yesterday. Went for tea with Jen to Michelle's. Had a hoot. Went grocery shopping afterwards to pick up the fixings for s'mores for my cousins and then came home and cleaned so that it looked respectable for when they came over.
It was the first time I'd seen 'Top Gun'. Quite the movie. The cheese-factor was pretty high but it was a decent flick, all the same. I think everyone enjoyed the s'mores. They sure were messy but oh, so delicious. I'll definitely make marshmallows again (they're so easy to make!).
Went for a walk this afternoon to buy a new candy thermometer. My metal one died at 210*F (on its way to 240*F) so I threw my glass one in the pot in the nick of time. The glass one ended up being smashed in the wash water afterwards. My new one looks like it'll be able to take more abuse. Those other two were quite old... no wonder they gave up on me. After I visited Logan's Hardware I went off to the Elementary School play ground where I swung on the swings for 10-20 minutes before heading home. It was a lovely afternoon.
We have practice at 9:15 tomorrow morning so we're all ready to sing. Should get to bed.
Talk to you soon!
Things here are good, as usual.
Had a moderately busy day yesterday. Went for tea with Jen to Michelle's. Had a hoot. Went grocery shopping afterwards to pick up the fixings for s'mores for my cousins and then came home and cleaned so that it looked respectable for when they came over.
It was the first time I'd seen 'Top Gun'. Quite the movie. The cheese-factor was pretty high but it was a decent flick, all the same. I think everyone enjoyed the s'mores. They sure were messy but oh, so delicious. I'll definitely make marshmallows again (they're so easy to make!).
Went for a walk this afternoon to buy a new candy thermometer. My metal one died at 210*F (on its way to 240*F) so I threw my glass one in the pot in the nick of time. The glass one ended up being smashed in the wash water afterwards. My new one looks like it'll be able to take more abuse. Those other two were quite old... no wonder they gave up on me. After I visited Logan's Hardware I went off to the Elementary School play ground where I swung on the swings for 10-20 minutes before heading home. It was a lovely afternoon.
We have practice at 9:15 tomorrow morning so we're all ready to sing. Should get to bed.
Talk to you soon!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Buena nuei!
That's Aragonese for Good Evening... Don't worry - I didn't know what Aragonese was either until I read this Wikipedia page on it:
Ya learn somethin' new every day!
Do forgive me for not posting yesterday! Dad and I were doing some research (on a project I can't tell you about yet) and that had me making friends with Google until about 11:30. By the time I was done, I'd had enough so I gave up and went to bed.
Yesterday was moderately busy. Nothing happened in the morning but at about 1 or 2 I made some tea in travel mugs and took it over to dad at the Ag-Rec shop where he's painting 8 or 10 sheets of plywood for some projects he's making for mom, Jill and me. It was nice to hang out with 'the old man' and visit - we easily solve all the worlds problems. teehee. That's when he hatched this plan (the one I can't tell you about yet)... after visiting with him for a while I marched on over to Jenny's for a "tea party" with Jenny, Shea and Eli (those two are total tea-mosters! Its so great!). Josh took the kids for a walk and Jenny and I chatted away. They invited me for supper - Jenny made this amazing stir-fry with peanut sauce that was absolutely to-die-for. We didn't have time for dessert (chilliwack mint icecream!) because I had to head out to worship practice at the church. It was a nice practice but I was pretty tired and was glad that we ended 10 minutes early! I came home and did reserach for dad and then hit the hay. It was a quiet morning but a very busy afternoon/evening.
Today was much the same... quiet morning but I went to visit dad again at the Ag-Rec shop where he continues to paint. He took me out to the Welfare office so I could turn in some paperwork (no biggie) and then he dropped me off at the Library so I could return a book and then hoof it over to Pricesmart and pick up some much-needed groceries.
And now, for my latest cooking endevour *drum roll please* marshmallows! I ate some of what was left in the bowl and it sure tastes good. It tastes a bit different then the ones Kraft makes but pretty fluffy and delicious nonetheless! My trusty candy thermometer died on me (got stuck at 210*F) so I threw my other one in at the last minute! Maybe I over cooked it, I don't know. We'll find out soon. They have to sit for 4 hours so I'll give 'em a taste in the morning (because I plan to be asleep at 1am!)
Just threw some wash in the machine after that's done, I'm going to bed! I'll hang it all up tomorrow.
Tomorrow I'm off to Parkholm and then Michelle's for tea at 1. Might stop and say hi to dad at the Ag-Rec building if he's there around noon. My trusty cousins are coming over for a movie tomorrow night at 8:30. I think we're watching Top Gun. Never seen it.
Talk to you soon!
Marshmallows – woohoo!
3 packages unflavored gelatin
1 cup ice cold water, divided
12 ounces granulated sugar, approximately 1 1/2 cups
1 cup light corn syrup
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 cup confectioners' sugar
1/4 cup cornstarch
Nonstick spray
Place the gelatin into the bowl of a stand mixer along with 1/2 cup of the water. Have the whisk attachment standing by.
In a small saucepan combine the remaining 1/2 cup water, granulated sugar, corn syrup and salt. Place over medium high heat, cover and allow to cook for 3 to 4 minutes. Uncover, clip a candy thermometer onto the side of the pan and continue to cook until the mixture reaches 240 degrees F, approximately 7 to 8 minutes. Once the mixture reaches this temperature, immediately remove from the heat.
Turn the mixer on low speed and, while running, slowly pour the sugar syrup down the side of the bowl into the gelatin mixture. Once you have added all of the syrup, increase the speed to high. Continue to whip until the mixture becomes very thick and is lukewarm, approximately 12 to 15 minutes. Add the vanilla during the last minute of whipping. While the mixture is whipping prepare the pans as follows.
For regular marshmallows:
Combine the confectioners' sugar and cornstarch in a small bowl. Lightly spray a 13 by 9-inch metal baking pan with nonstick cooking spray. Add the sugar and cornstarch mixture and move around to completely coat the bottom and sides of the pan. Return the remaining mixture to the bowl for later use.
When ready, pour the mixture into the prepared pan, using a lightly oiled spatula for spreading evenly into the pan. Dust the top with enough of the remaining sugar and cornstarch mixture to lightly cover. Reserve the rest for later. Allow the marshmallows to sit uncovered for at least 4 hours and up to overnight.
Turn the marshmallows out onto a cutting board and cut into 1-inch squares using a pizza wheel dusted with the confectioners' sugar mixture. Once cut, lightly dust all sides of each marshmallow with the remaining mixture, using additional if necessary. Store in an airtight container for up to 3 weeks.
That's Aragonese for Good Evening... Don't worry - I didn't know what Aragonese was either until I read this Wikipedia page on it:
Ya learn somethin' new every day!
Do forgive me for not posting yesterday! Dad and I were doing some research (on a project I can't tell you about yet) and that had me making friends with Google until about 11:30. By the time I was done, I'd had enough so I gave up and went to bed.
Yesterday was moderately busy. Nothing happened in the morning but at about 1 or 2 I made some tea in travel mugs and took it over to dad at the Ag-Rec shop where he's painting 8 or 10 sheets of plywood for some projects he's making for mom, Jill and me. It was nice to hang out with 'the old man' and visit - we easily solve all the worlds problems. teehee. That's when he hatched this plan (the one I can't tell you about yet)... after visiting with him for a while I marched on over to Jenny's for a "tea party" with Jenny, Shea and Eli (those two are total tea-mosters! Its so great!). Josh took the kids for a walk and Jenny and I chatted away. They invited me for supper - Jenny made this amazing stir-fry with peanut sauce that was absolutely to-die-for. We didn't have time for dessert (chilliwack mint icecream!) because I had to head out to worship practice at the church. It was a nice practice but I was pretty tired and was glad that we ended 10 minutes early! I came home and did reserach for dad and then hit the hay. It was a quiet morning but a very busy afternoon/evening.
Today was much the same... quiet morning but I went to visit dad again at the Ag-Rec shop where he continues to paint. He took me out to the Welfare office so I could turn in some paperwork (no biggie) and then he dropped me off at the Library so I could return a book and then hoof it over to Pricesmart and pick up some much-needed groceries.
And now, for my latest cooking endevour *drum roll please* marshmallows! I ate some of what was left in the bowl and it sure tastes good. It tastes a bit different then the ones Kraft makes but pretty fluffy and delicious nonetheless! My trusty candy thermometer died on me (got stuck at 210*F) so I threw my other one in at the last minute! Maybe I over cooked it, I don't know. We'll find out soon. They have to sit for 4 hours so I'll give 'em a taste in the morning (because I plan to be asleep at 1am!)
Just threw some wash in the machine after that's done, I'm going to bed! I'll hang it all up tomorrow.
Tomorrow I'm off to Parkholm and then Michelle's for tea at 1. Might stop and say hi to dad at the Ag-Rec building if he's there around noon. My trusty cousins are coming over for a movie tomorrow night at 8:30. I think we're watching Top Gun. Never seen it.
Talk to you soon!
Marshmallows – woohoo!
3 packages unflavored gelatin
1 cup ice cold water, divided
12 ounces granulated sugar, approximately 1 1/2 cups
1 cup light corn syrup
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 cup confectioners' sugar
1/4 cup cornstarch
Nonstick spray
Place the gelatin into the bowl of a stand mixer along with 1/2 cup of the water. Have the whisk attachment standing by.
In a small saucepan combine the remaining 1/2 cup water, granulated sugar, corn syrup and salt. Place over medium high heat, cover and allow to cook for 3 to 4 minutes. Uncover, clip a candy thermometer onto the side of the pan and continue to cook until the mixture reaches 240 degrees F, approximately 7 to 8 minutes. Once the mixture reaches this temperature, immediately remove from the heat.
Turn the mixer on low speed and, while running, slowly pour the sugar syrup down the side of the bowl into the gelatin mixture. Once you have added all of the syrup, increase the speed to high. Continue to whip until the mixture becomes very thick and is lukewarm, approximately 12 to 15 minutes. Add the vanilla during the last minute of whipping. While the mixture is whipping prepare the pans as follows.
For regular marshmallows:
Combine the confectioners' sugar and cornstarch in a small bowl. Lightly spray a 13 by 9-inch metal baking pan with nonstick cooking spray. Add the sugar and cornstarch mixture and move around to completely coat the bottom and sides of the pan. Return the remaining mixture to the bowl for later use.
When ready, pour the mixture into the prepared pan, using a lightly oiled spatula for spreading evenly into the pan. Dust the top with enough of the remaining sugar and cornstarch mixture to lightly cover. Reserve the rest for later. Allow the marshmallows to sit uncovered for at least 4 hours and up to overnight.
Turn the marshmallows out onto a cutting board and cut into 1-inch squares using a pizza wheel dusted with the confectioners' sugar mixture. Once cut, lightly dust all sides of each marshmallow with the remaining mixture, using additional if necessary. Store in an airtight container for up to 3 weeks.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
That's "Good Evening" in Albanian!
Yesterday was Sunday. Had a busy morning at church - greeting, helping with Sunday School, helped count the offering. Everything went smoothly, thankfully, especially the offering. I almost panic at times but we balanced today on the first try!
Got home and putzed around on the internet, avoiding cleaning. Eventually I realized that unless I wanted Sara to see my place in such a state, I'd better get the lead out! And I did. It wasn't sparkling but it was a lot tidier by the time 3pm rolled around.
Had a lovely visit with Sara! It was awesome to see her again - its been years. We chatted away and got caught up... its good to see her doing well!
Today was an uber-quiet day. Didn't see anyone, didn't go out at all. I needed a chance to just exist and not run around from one place to the next. It was a nice day! Did some PYPS stuff, watched some Star Wars, talked to a few people on the phone, walked on the treadmill while watching Little Mosque on the Prairie... good times.
I've had all three (special edition) Star Wars movies for as long as I've lived here. Someone gave them to me when I moved out (mom's friend Marlene, I think)... I'm such a die-hard trekkie that I've put off watching them because I didn't want to believe they could be worth watching. But since I had nothing better to do, I popped the first one in and found I actually enjoyed myself. I'm not a fan of big battle/war scenes so I fast-forwarded through one of them (and didn't miss any of the plot line in doing so). I still prefer Star Trek buuuut I gotta say, Star Wars isn't half bad.
Aunty Gloria is coming over tomorrow for tea - am looking forward to seeing a human face! Not sure what the rest of the day will hold.
Wednesday is our Worship practice as well as my guitar lesson... but beyond that it looks to be a quiet week.
Talk to you soon!
That's "Good Evening" in Albanian!
Yesterday was Sunday. Had a busy morning at church - greeting, helping with Sunday School, helped count the offering. Everything went smoothly, thankfully, especially the offering. I almost panic at times but we balanced today on the first try!
Got home and putzed around on the internet, avoiding cleaning. Eventually I realized that unless I wanted Sara to see my place in such a state, I'd better get the lead out! And I did. It wasn't sparkling but it was a lot tidier by the time 3pm rolled around.
Had a lovely visit with Sara! It was awesome to see her again - its been years. We chatted away and got caught up... its good to see her doing well!
Today was an uber-quiet day. Didn't see anyone, didn't go out at all. I needed a chance to just exist and not run around from one place to the next. It was a nice day! Did some PYPS stuff, watched some Star Wars, talked to a few people on the phone, walked on the treadmill while watching Little Mosque on the Prairie... good times.
I've had all three (special edition) Star Wars movies for as long as I've lived here. Someone gave them to me when I moved out (mom's friend Marlene, I think)... I'm such a die-hard trekkie that I've put off watching them because I didn't want to believe they could be worth watching. But since I had nothing better to do, I popped the first one in and found I actually enjoyed myself. I'm not a fan of big battle/war scenes so I fast-forwarded through one of them (and didn't miss any of the plot line in doing so). I still prefer Star Trek buuuut I gotta say, Star Wars isn't half bad.
Aunty Gloria is coming over tomorrow for tea - am looking forward to seeing a human face! Not sure what the rest of the day will hold.
Wednesday is our Worship practice as well as my guitar lesson... but beyond that it looks to be a quiet week.
Talk to you soon!
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