Hope you guys are doing well.
Things have been good!
I've spent the last couple days with dad - we're building my buffet and hutch! I'm pretty excited about it. :D Dad wants to have the base unit (buffet) finished before we go to McBride on the 8th.
I'm getting pretty jazzed about the trip. Aunty Bev has asked me to do a few flower arrangements for the party on the 9th. I'm going to bum around the Library later next week to pick up a few books on floral arranging to use as study/reference material. Will take pictures and let you know how it goes.
Yesterday I had Lynne and her girls over for tea in the morning. Claire came, too! It was SO much fun to watch the girls play. They're just too adorable. We had lunch here (chicken salad sandwiches and veg soup). I'd never made chicken salad before so I gave mom and quick call "what goes into a chicken salad?!"... Claire went home and then Lynne and I took the girls to the park for a little bit before they had to head back to the city.
Last week I went to Superstore for the first time. I don't think I wrote about that yet. (Maybe?) It was quite the experience. You're pretty much on your own there. The lighting was ok for the most part... it kinda felt like death row in a few parts. Its definitely less expensive then Safeway and Pricesmart! I think I'll go there for some things, like meat - a tray of 30 boneless, skinless thighs for 15 bucks - but I like the service at Pricesmart better since things are easier to find and the store is smaller. Superstore was an interesting experience all 'round.
Tomorrow is Thursday. Jen and Jenny are coming over tomorrow for tea. We have a surprise for Jenny which I will tell you about and hopefully post pictures of in the next few days. I'm looking forward to seeing them! Jen got good news today - Elie (her husband) has his interview at the Canadian Embassy (or some other Canadian Agency) which is one of the last steps in the immigration process, Jen tells me! This is exciting for both of them.
Just got a call from mom - dad is on his way to pick me up for my Guitar lesson. Should get my shoes on!
Talk to you soon!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Here's my set-up desk and work-station! I still have to get things organized on my desktop, etc but I'm *loving* all the extra drawer, cabinet and cubby space! Its great! I've managed to throw out a black garbage bag and have an apple box of stuff for the Sally-Ann. Woot!

Here's my set-up desk and work-station! I still have to get things organized on my desktop, etc but I'm *loving* all the extra drawer, cabinet and cubby space! Its great! I've managed to throw out a black garbage bag and have an apple box of stuff for the Sally-Ann. Woot!

Thought I would share this with you guys.
Talk to you soon!
So! My desk is set up and I'm merrily typing away to you from my new work station! Woohoo. :D I'll take some pictures when its nice and bright tomorrow and will post them then.
And now that I have a tidy desk, I'm getting to some of the jobs that I haven't got around to yet. One of them was to change the picture in my blog's banner. Done!
Another is to post pictures that were taken about a week ago when Jill, Jen, Jenny and I went up to Cultas. Here are a few:
And that's all for now folks.
Talk to you soon!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Here is a pic of my new desk!!

The bottom pedistals were actually from my Grandma's bedroom. They were blacker than night and the varnish was crackled and were just disgusting looking. The top on them was an ugly old piece of battleship plywood. Dad resuced the desk after Grandma passed away because he could clearly see the potential. Dad and I washed them and the varnish was coming off... we could see a little bit of wood grain! We took some paint stripper to them and there was beautiful wood underneath! Not sure if its Maple or Oak.
Here is a pic of my new desk!!

The bottom pedistals were actually from my Grandma's bedroom. They were blacker than night and the varnish was crackled and were just disgusting looking. The top on them was an ugly old piece of battleship plywood. Dad resuced the desk after Grandma passed away because he could clearly see the potential. Dad and I washed them and the varnish was coming off... we could see a little bit of wood grain! We took some paint stripper to them and there was beautiful wood underneath! Not sure if its Maple or Oak.
The desk top is two clear (no knots) fir boards and the trim around them is cut from a fir 2x4! The boards were about nine feet long and served as a work bench for the previous owners of mom and dad's property. Dad cleaned them up (they were covered with oil and had nails pounded through them). Once we finished the top, we stained it a dark walnut with watco oil. It matches pretty good, I think.
The hutch part is actually made of a pine waterbed frame that dad bought from Bibles for Missions, which he took apart and stripped. He also bought a spruce board from Pioneer... that was the only piece of new material in the whole project. We also stained it a dark walnut and it doesn't match perfectly but its pretty darn close!
Then we gave the whole works a coat of natural watco oil, just to make it a little shiny.
What more can I say? tee hee
Total cost: $40! (not including the hours dad - and I - put into it)
I've decided to make it my computer desk so I'm currently in the process of moving my living room around - a major job. I took a break while Jill and I went to Superstore (what an experience that was! My brain is still on overload). Time to put away the last of the groceries and get my livingroom sorted before the chaos overwhelms me!
Just got a call from dad. He's going to come rescue me... will help me move my computer desk and get things more or less sorted.
Will post a pic of my newly arranged computer desk.
Talk to you soon!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Oh man! I can't believe its been almost a week since I wrote here. Whoops. I haven't fallen from the face of the earth... have just been kinda busy. Sorry to worry you guys!
And now that I think about it, I'm having a hard time recalling what has kept me away from my computer this long. Yeesh!
I can only remember back as far as Saturday.
I had the Shaw Cable guy over at around 9:30am to set up my new phone, internet and cable TV connection. I'm so jazzed. The internet is faster, the phone is the same but cheaper, and the Cable TV is delightful - I can watch the news the til cows come home! The only downside to the TV thing is that I don't have a remote that works with my TV. I've tried programing two different universal remotes and haven't had any luck. I have a system, though! I sit in front of the TV and watch Channel 3 (the channel with the circulating list of what's on which station) and figure out what I'm going to watch, then I put it on whatever channel I want to watch and go sit on the couch. I've watched SO much news (noon, five, six, eleven and midnight news casts!) Woot!
I also worked with A in the afternoon. We baked brownies, much to everyone's delight. She likes torturing them and said that they had to wait until dessert before any of them could have a taste! What a stinker. Such a doll, though!
Sunday was good... went to worship practice at 9:15 and then set up the sunday school room (I was teaching the lesson). I sang with our little group and then headed upstairs with my one kid. We flew through the lesson and then spent about 15 minutes drawing Super Mario characters on the chalk board. He was amused and I had the satisfaction that I taught him what I needed to out of the curriculum.
Jones and Skittles were at church promoting Camp Douglas (Jones is interm director). I went to coffee hour (for the first time in an eon) and chatted with various people and got a bit caught up with Skittles. Afterwards the three of us went to Carebear's house for lunch which was delicious! We traded stories and had a riot. Jones said he missed my 'random profanity' and they both invited me up to camp this summer. I'm really jazzed to go. Mom and dad said that they'll come across with me and go camping up around Powell River, visit our cousin near Sechelt, etc. I can't wait!
Today I spent with dad working on my sewing desk! It looks fabulous! We got the desk unit done and tomorrow we'll assemble the shelving unit for above it. I'm really looking forward to the storage it'll give me! Plus its beautiful. I kick myself for not taking pictures as we were building it. It was so rough but it looks so lovely now!
Ok. Bed is calling me.
Talk to you soon!
Oh man! I can't believe its been almost a week since I wrote here. Whoops. I haven't fallen from the face of the earth... have just been kinda busy. Sorry to worry you guys!
And now that I think about it, I'm having a hard time recalling what has kept me away from my computer this long. Yeesh!
I can only remember back as far as Saturday.
I had the Shaw Cable guy over at around 9:30am to set up my new phone, internet and cable TV connection. I'm so jazzed. The internet is faster, the phone is the same but cheaper, and the Cable TV is delightful - I can watch the news the til cows come home! The only downside to the TV thing is that I don't have a remote that works with my TV. I've tried programing two different universal remotes and haven't had any luck. I have a system, though! I sit in front of the TV and watch Channel 3 (the channel with the circulating list of what's on which station) and figure out what I'm going to watch, then I put it on whatever channel I want to watch and go sit on the couch. I've watched SO much news (noon, five, six, eleven and midnight news casts!) Woot!
I also worked with A in the afternoon. We baked brownies, much to everyone's delight. She likes torturing them and said that they had to wait until dessert before any of them could have a taste! What a stinker. Such a doll, though!
Sunday was good... went to worship practice at 9:15 and then set up the sunday school room (I was teaching the lesson). I sang with our little group and then headed upstairs with my one kid. We flew through the lesson and then spent about 15 minutes drawing Super Mario characters on the chalk board. He was amused and I had the satisfaction that I taught him what I needed to out of the curriculum.
Jones and Skittles were at church promoting Camp Douglas (Jones is interm director). I went to coffee hour (for the first time in an eon) and chatted with various people and got a bit caught up with Skittles. Afterwards the three of us went to Carebear's house for lunch which was delicious! We traded stories and had a riot. Jones said he missed my 'random profanity' and they both invited me up to camp this summer. I'm really jazzed to go. Mom and dad said that they'll come across with me and go camping up around Powell River, visit our cousin near Sechelt, etc. I can't wait!
Today I spent with dad working on my sewing desk! It looks fabulous! We got the desk unit done and tomorrow we'll assemble the shelving unit for above it. I'm really looking forward to the storage it'll give me! Plus its beautiful. I kick myself for not taking pictures as we were building it. It was so rough but it looks so lovely now!
Ok. Bed is calling me.
Talk to you soon!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
What a beautiful day, eh!
I got to enjoy the sun and breeze on a walk to the dr's office this afternoon. I've been having trouble with my left hand - he says that there's some sort of inflamation so he's given me some drugs for it. I didn't have time to get the perscription filled (will pick it up tomorrow) because Jen, Jenny and I got our pictures taken at Cultas by Jill!
Jill took 250+ pictures... we're bound to get a few good ones out of that! The pictures are really important to me right now. Jenny's leaving in July for Nova Scotia (for good) and Jen's leaving for Haiti in June (for at least two months but she wants to stay til her husband can immigrate to Canada... and who knows how long that'll be). Jill suggested we go to Cheam Wetlands next for some more pictures at a later date.
I got home from pictures with enough time to down a bowl of mushroom soup and head out the door for worship practice. Practice ran late but fortunately dad ran later so I was home for about five minutes before dad picked me up for my guitar lesson. I was worried I had kept him waiting and wondering where on earth I was. That worry was unfounded.
Guitar is coming along nicely, I think. I was getting discouraged but I then I thought back to when I started playing flute... it was a good three to four years before I could play anything worthwhile. I could play simple stuff... but it took years before I could play regular music. I've been doing guitar for just over two years now and I think I'm making good progress. Practice, practice, practice.
Time for a bed though, I'm one tired cupcake.
Talk to you soon!
What a beautiful day, eh!
I got to enjoy the sun and breeze on a walk to the dr's office this afternoon. I've been having trouble with my left hand - he says that there's some sort of inflamation so he's given me some drugs for it. I didn't have time to get the perscription filled (will pick it up tomorrow) because Jen, Jenny and I got our pictures taken at Cultas by Jill!
Jill took 250+ pictures... we're bound to get a few good ones out of that! The pictures are really important to me right now. Jenny's leaving in July for Nova Scotia (for good) and Jen's leaving for Haiti in June (for at least two months but she wants to stay til her husband can immigrate to Canada... and who knows how long that'll be). Jill suggested we go to Cheam Wetlands next for some more pictures at a later date.
I got home from pictures with enough time to down a bowl of mushroom soup and head out the door for worship practice. Practice ran late but fortunately dad ran later so I was home for about five minutes before dad picked me up for my guitar lesson. I was worried I had kept him waiting and wondering where on earth I was. That worry was unfounded.
Guitar is coming along nicely, I think. I was getting discouraged but I then I thought back to when I started playing flute... it was a good three to four years before I could play anything worthwhile. I could play simple stuff... but it took years before I could play regular music. I've been doing guitar for just over two years now and I think I'm making good progress. Practice, practice, practice.
Time for a bed though, I'm one tired cupcake.
Talk to you soon!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Hey there,
Hope you're all having a good Easter Monday!
Things here have been pretty darn good.
Church yesterday morning was good. Dad and Jill came out and we had a good ol' time. Poor Jill was SO bored (she's not used to Presbyterian services). I caught her texting someone during one of the longer prayers. And why, might you ask, were my eyes even open during a prayer? Because... if I'd closed them I probably would have fallen asleep. Not that our Minister's sermons and prayers aren't inspiring (usually they are)... but... oh well. Anyway. The service was good for the most part. Praise practice went fine and much to our collective horror, Lynn figured out how to record us and play us back. She seemed pleased with herself but the rest of us were agast at how we sound! Yikes. The kids handed out the crackers we made to the congregation's enjoyment - it was a good time. I think the candy was just about the only thing keeping Jill awake.
I went home and had a nap... dad picked me up at about 3 to go over to their place for supper. It was a lot of fun - 18 or 20 people for supper. The living room was bustin' at the seams. Lots of good food and good conversation.
I went home around 12:30am after Jill and I finished updating the songs on this blog. My apologies to those of you who have bravely read this blog through the Kingston Trio's version of The Rev Mr Black! Jill showed me how to make the player shuffle the songs, plus we created a new play list that doesn't include the Kingston Trio. There are nine new songs to pick from. Hope that suits everyone.
Today has been a quiet day. I took out my garbage which has pretty much been the extent of the excitement. The cabinet that I painted is almost dry so hopefully either tonight or tomorrow I'll set up my aquarium and get it running! I've been reading up on Betta fish and Goldfish... Jill's best-friend Jess is going to buy me a fish but I have to know a few things about them before I make my decision. Three cheers for wikipedia.com!
Anyway. The rest of my evening looks quiet... Might go for a walk before it gets dark out but it looks like more rain in those clouds. Will see.
Talk to you soon.
Hope you're all having a good Easter Monday!
Things here have been pretty darn good.
Church yesterday morning was good. Dad and Jill came out and we had a good ol' time. Poor Jill was SO bored (she's not used to Presbyterian services). I caught her texting someone during one of the longer prayers. And why, might you ask, were my eyes even open during a prayer? Because... if I'd closed them I probably would have fallen asleep. Not that our Minister's sermons and prayers aren't inspiring (usually they are)... but... oh well. Anyway. The service was good for the most part. Praise practice went fine and much to our collective horror, Lynn figured out how to record us and play us back. She seemed pleased with herself but the rest of us were agast at how we sound! Yikes. The kids handed out the crackers we made to the congregation's enjoyment - it was a good time. I think the candy was just about the only thing keeping Jill awake.
I went home and had a nap... dad picked me up at about 3 to go over to their place for supper. It was a lot of fun - 18 or 20 people for supper. The living room was bustin' at the seams. Lots of good food and good conversation.
I went home around 12:30am after Jill and I finished updating the songs on this blog. My apologies to those of you who have bravely read this blog through the Kingston Trio's version of The Rev Mr Black! Jill showed me how to make the player shuffle the songs, plus we created a new play list that doesn't include the Kingston Trio. There are nine new songs to pick from. Hope that suits everyone.
Today has been a quiet day. I took out my garbage which has pretty much been the extent of the excitement. The cabinet that I painted is almost dry so hopefully either tonight or tomorrow I'll set up my aquarium and get it running! I've been reading up on Betta fish and Goldfish... Jill's best-friend Jess is going to buy me a fish but I have to know a few things about them before I make my decision. Three cheers for wikipedia.com!
Anyway. The rest of my evening looks quiet... Might go for a walk before it gets dark out but it looks like more rain in those clouds. Will see.
Talk to you soon.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Hope you're all doing well.
Had a good time today with A. We baked chocolate cake til the cows came home... doubled the recipe because there's 12 people in her family, not including random friends and visitors. One cake just wouldn't be enough... that way they can have bigger pieces, too. We had a hoot! She had the forsight to wear an apron this time so I did likewise - saved our clothes! By the end of it we were just about covered from neck to knees in cocoa powder and cake batter! A's parents are coming home tonight from a trip so they decided to save the cakes as a surprise for them. :)
Went to Liquidation World after I came home and found a great deal on Noodle Soup and bought individually wrapped candies to go inside the crackers (the kind with candy inside a toilet paper tube, not the kind you eat with soup) I'm making for tomorrow's service. I think I did about 35 of them... felt like it would never end! I think between me, Maryna and Madelene we should have enough for the whole congregation.
While it was still light out, I took the cabinet I was using as a nightstand out onto my patio and gave it a fresh lick of paint. I didn't realise it was oil-based paint, though, until I went to wash my hands and brushes! Whoops. I'm currently covered in paint and don't have any paint-remover to take it off... I'll be going to church tomorrow with green hands! The cabinet looks ok... its been a while since I painted. I did my best.
The cabinet is going to go in my living room between my bookcase and TV unit. Mom had a big garage sale at the Lion's Club Hall today for the Nightengales team (Relay for Life - Cancer fundraiser in June). I came away from there with an awesome aquarium and assorted aquarium paraphenalia. I can't wait to set it up but I have to wait until the cabinet dries! Will probably set it up sometime on Monday.
I also found my next project - pillowcase dresses! http://www.jenleheny.com/pillowcase-dress-instructions I have a few girlfriends who have little girls... Jenny's Shea, Melissa's Claire and Evelyn and Kristy's Sadie plus Esther's Joudelie. They look so straight-forward, I can't wait to try one out! That'll have to wait until after the cabinet is dry and the fish tank has been moved from my kitchen table.
Tomorrow is Easter Sunday. I'm off to church in the morning. Mom and dad said they might try to come if things aren't too busy at home, getting ready for the big family Easter supper. I think they're expecting between 17 and 20 people. Fun! Our little praise group will be singing in church tomorrow... we're even smaller because Deb and Gary's niece passed away and they've headed up to PG. Will be praying for them - their niece was my age, 25 y/o.
Anywho... I better get a move on. Bed is calling me. Well... being cozied up with my book is calling me. tee hee.
Talk to you soon!
Hope you're all doing well.
Had a good time today with A. We baked chocolate cake til the cows came home... doubled the recipe because there's 12 people in her family, not including random friends and visitors. One cake just wouldn't be enough... that way they can have bigger pieces, too. We had a hoot! She had the forsight to wear an apron this time so I did likewise - saved our clothes! By the end of it we were just about covered from neck to knees in cocoa powder and cake batter! A's parents are coming home tonight from a trip so they decided to save the cakes as a surprise for them. :)
Went to Liquidation World after I came home and found a great deal on Noodle Soup and bought individually wrapped candies to go inside the crackers (the kind with candy inside a toilet paper tube, not the kind you eat with soup) I'm making for tomorrow's service. I think I did about 35 of them... felt like it would never end! I think between me, Maryna and Madelene we should have enough for the whole congregation.
While it was still light out, I took the cabinet I was using as a nightstand out onto my patio and gave it a fresh lick of paint. I didn't realise it was oil-based paint, though, until I went to wash my hands and brushes! Whoops. I'm currently covered in paint and don't have any paint-remover to take it off... I'll be going to church tomorrow with green hands! The cabinet looks ok... its been a while since I painted. I did my best.
The cabinet is going to go in my living room between my bookcase and TV unit. Mom had a big garage sale at the Lion's Club Hall today for the Nightengales team (Relay for Life - Cancer fundraiser in June). I came away from there with an awesome aquarium and assorted aquarium paraphenalia. I can't wait to set it up but I have to wait until the cabinet dries! Will probably set it up sometime on Monday.
I also found my next project - pillowcase dresses! http://www.jenleheny.com/pillowcase-dress-instructions I have a few girlfriends who have little girls... Jenny's Shea, Melissa's Claire and Evelyn and Kristy's Sadie plus Esther's Joudelie. They look so straight-forward, I can't wait to try one out! That'll have to wait until after the cabinet is dry and the fish tank has been moved from my kitchen table.
Tomorrow is Easter Sunday. I'm off to church in the morning. Mom and dad said they might try to come if things aren't too busy at home, getting ready for the big family Easter supper. I think they're expecting between 17 and 20 people. Fun! Our little praise group will be singing in church tomorrow... we're even smaller because Deb and Gary's niece passed away and they've headed up to PG. Will be praying for them - their niece was my age, 25 y/o.
Anywho... I better get a move on. Bed is calling me. Well... being cozied up with my book is calling me. tee hee.
Talk to you soon!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Hey there,
Was bumming around a friend's blog (frugal dreamer... http://frugaldreamer.blogspot.com/) and came across this video that she posted. Its a real challenge to lead a greener lifestyle and to not buy into the consumerism the western world has fallen into. Its quite a lengthy video (22 min) but its well worth the watch. At any rate, it challenged me!
Was bumming around a friend's blog (frugal dreamer... http://frugaldreamer.blogspot.com/) and came across this video that she posted. Its a real challenge to lead a greener lifestyle and to not buy into the consumerism the western world has fallen into. Its quite a lengthy video (22 min) but its well worth the watch. At any rate, it challenged me!
Things here have been pretty good!
Am getting ready to walk about the door to Jen's. Jenny and I are having tea and supper at her place for the first time!! Its very exciting. I bought her a small housewarming gift (a large mixing bowl). I didn't know what to take for supper... I'll have a look in my freezer... green beans anyone?
I made a trip to the post office earlier this afternoon. I was at Liquidation World yesterday and they had bins of (good) yarn on sale for $1 a ball. I bought her three balls and put it in the mail today... sort of a 'get well' present. I imagine she'll be doing a fair amount of crocheting while her hip is healing and yarn always makes me feel better when I'm blue. You give the gifts you'd most like to recieve, right? tee hee. I also mailed a package to my penpal Kathy in Alberta... with a CD and a few letters that I wrote but never got around to sending.
I should get a move on. Jenny will be here any minute to pick me up!
Talk to you soon!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Good evening,
Spent the last few hours with Jill, trying to get my computer to allow me to watch online videos! Its been a bit of a battle and we still haven't won but I want to see if I can still embed video even though I can't watch it off the youtube site. This is a favourite worship song/hymn of mine. Love, love, love it. Lets see if this works.... (I think it will!)
Today was good. Madelene, a friend from church, came over for tea. I worked on the crackers (the kind with candy inside a toilet paper tube) for Easter Sunday and then I took a walk to the bank and Logan's Hardware where I picked up dad's birthday present. Jill thinks he's really going to like it.Tomorrow evening will be busy but I'm hoping to head over to the Library in the afternoon to check out a few books on floral design. Will see if Claire wants to tag along.
I better get a move on. Night!
Talk to you soon.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Just an update to today's post...
Got a message from mom to say that Aunt Sharron is home safe and sound. Mom talked to her today and she said that Aunt sounds very chipper. Aunt Marny is staying with them for a week and then Neil is going to pick her up.
All is well in the kingdom.
Thanks for thinking and praying for her.
Just an update to today's post...
Got a message from mom to say that Aunt Sharron is home safe and sound. Mom talked to her today and she said that Aunt sounds very chipper. Aunt Marny is staying with them for a week and then Neil is going to pick her up.
All is well in the kingdom.
Thanks for thinking and praying for her.
Hope everyone out there is doing well!
Things here are pretty good.
We had our last floral class today... took a walk through Minter Country Gardens (the retail plant store) and spent just over 2 hours looking at every plant in creation. My brain was about ready to implode! I can't remember any of the plants names. ha! Oh, except I love Scotch Broom. It sure is ugly as a plant but it looks great in arrangements. I asked mom if I could plant one in her garden so that I won't have to steal any off of buddy's fence line up in Slesse Park. tee hee.
Went for a walk to the bank this evening and enjoyed the last of the day's sun. It was beautiful today!! Mom said it got up to 25 degrees! Delicious! Also picked up some salad and milk because I'm not a good at guaging when milk is about to go bad... I like to have fresh milk in the fridge just in case (especially because I've got a friend coming over tomorrow... wouldn't do to serve her spoiled milk with her tea!!).
I think its almost time for bed. Am going to wash a few dishes first, though. Party on!
Talk to you soon.
Hope everyone out there is doing well!
Things here are pretty good.
We had our last floral class today... took a walk through Minter Country Gardens (the retail plant store) and spent just over 2 hours looking at every plant in creation. My brain was about ready to implode! I can't remember any of the plants names. ha! Oh, except I love Scotch Broom. It sure is ugly as a plant but it looks great in arrangements. I asked mom if I could plant one in her garden so that I won't have to steal any off of buddy's fence line up in Slesse Park. tee hee.
Went for a walk to the bank this evening and enjoyed the last of the day's sun. It was beautiful today!! Mom said it got up to 25 degrees! Delicious! Also picked up some salad and milk because I'm not a good at guaging when milk is about to go bad... I like to have fresh milk in the fridge just in case (especially because I've got a friend coming over tomorrow... wouldn't do to serve her spoiled milk with her tea!!).
I think its almost time for bed. Am going to wash a few dishes first, though. Party on!
Talk to you soon.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Good Evening!
Am just on my way to bed but wanted to update this blog.
Aunt Sharron is doing better. Her surgery went well and she should be home on Monday. Horrah! My Aunt Marny (Dad and Aunt Sharron's sister) will be going to stay with them for a while to help my aunt while my uncle and cousin are at work. They just started a new business and can't be home all the time with Aunt Sharron... thankfully Aunt Marny is retired and worked just about her entire career on an Ortho floor at one of the big hospitals in Edmonton (can't remember which one). Please continue praying for my Aunts, Uncle and cousins.
My dear girl friend Jen has found an apartment and has moved in as of yesterday! Which is kinda funny since yesterday was the official one-year anniversary of my living-on-my-own-ness. Kind of exciting! I saw Jen's new place and its really great... Its a great size and I look forward to many cups of tea around her kitchen table with her and Jenny. Jen and I had our first cuppa tea today - it was great! (Earl Grey with honey that I boiled on the stove in a pot - the girl needs a teapot badly!).
Tomorrow is church. I'm counting the offering after the service and then am going to hang out with A. A had another friend over today so I got bumped to tomorrow afternoon which is kinda fun. Jen's apartment is right beside A's house so she popped in on Jen and I while we were horsin' around with a foster girl that Jen does respite for. A good time was had by all!
Bed is calling me. Hope you're all well!
Talk to you soon.
Am just on my way to bed but wanted to update this blog.
Aunt Sharron is doing better. Her surgery went well and she should be home on Monday. Horrah! My Aunt Marny (Dad and Aunt Sharron's sister) will be going to stay with them for a while to help my aunt while my uncle and cousin are at work. They just started a new business and can't be home all the time with Aunt Sharron... thankfully Aunt Marny is retired and worked just about her entire career on an Ortho floor at one of the big hospitals in Edmonton (can't remember which one). Please continue praying for my Aunts, Uncle and cousins.
My dear girl friend Jen has found an apartment and has moved in as of yesterday! Which is kinda funny since yesterday was the official one-year anniversary of my living-on-my-own-ness. Kind of exciting! I saw Jen's new place and its really great... Its a great size and I look forward to many cups of tea around her kitchen table with her and Jenny. Jen and I had our first cuppa tea today - it was great! (Earl Grey with honey that I boiled on the stove in a pot - the girl needs a teapot badly!).
Tomorrow is church. I'm counting the offering after the service and then am going to hang out with A. A had another friend over today so I got bumped to tomorrow afternoon which is kinda fun. Jen's apartment is right beside A's house so she popped in on Jen and I while we were horsin' around with a foster girl that Jen does respite for. A good time was had by all!
Bed is calling me. Hope you're all well!
Talk to you soon.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Just an update to today's blog post...
For you prayin' folk out there -
My Aunt Sharron fell this afternoon and broke her hip. She's not elderly at all but they discovered she has brittle bones... She's in hospital in Red Deer and will have surgery tomorrow. Mom says she should be outta there in less then a week if all goes well but its a worrisome time for her immediate and extended family.
She's an awesome lady whom I love very, very much so if you guys could say a prayer for a speedy recovery and for pain management that works, I'd be thankful.
And for those of you that don't pray - send positive thoughts and energy her way.
Will update as I get I get info.
Merci Bien!
For you prayin' folk out there -
My Aunt Sharron fell this afternoon and broke her hip. She's not elderly at all but they discovered she has brittle bones... She's in hospital in Red Deer and will have surgery tomorrow. Mom says she should be outta there in less then a week if all goes well but its a worrisome time for her immediate and extended family.
She's an awesome lady whom I love very, very much so if you guys could say a prayer for a speedy recovery and for pain management that works, I'd be thankful.
And for those of you that don't pray - send positive thoughts and energy her way.
Will update as I get I get info.
Merci Bien!
The last few days have been somewhat chaotic.
Had a seizure on Sunday evening. Went out bowling with the youth group from my church. It was really busy in the bowling alley so I told our 'adult' that I should probably go home because anybody could have a camera. He said we would be playing upstairs so we both went and checked it out up there and it was much quieter. I decided to stay. I had bowled my first frame and was waiting for my next turn when I woke up to paramedics in my face. Lovely. They carted me off to the hospital where mom, dad and Jill met me. The paramedics were nice enough. I was there til about 11pm when mom convinced the warden I was good to go (I think it had something to do with me being dressed with shoes on, doing my best to look perky).
I think the seizure freaked out the people I was bowling with... I saw a few of them last night at worship practice and they were nice enough. It takes people a while to warm up to me again after seeing me on the floor shaking like that. Sucks, but that's reality. Everything will be well in a few weeks... they'll see me as myself again eventually. They always come around.
The bonus in all this is that I was seizure-free for almost 9 months! Woohoo!! I'm praying for another 9 months of seizure-free-ness.
So the last few days have been spent finding my feet. This seizure business is hard work. I can't imagine how me or anyone who loves me managed through those first few months/year of seizure after seizure. Thank you to you guys who stood by me!
Dad and I have been working away on my sewing desk. Its coming along awesomely! We stripped off the old stain and varnish and found beautiful oak underneath! It all looks fabulous. Dad will be here any minute to pick me up. We're going to the New and Used to see if we can find some old oak boards to match the desk to use as the top. We're hoping for an oak door with some inset panelling that we can put a glass top on. I'll hopefully have my new desk in my living room early next week at the latest. Will post pics when its all finished!
Better get a move on. Hope you're all well.
Talk to you soon!
The last few days have been somewhat chaotic.
Had a seizure on Sunday evening. Went out bowling with the youth group from my church. It was really busy in the bowling alley so I told our 'adult' that I should probably go home because anybody could have a camera. He said we would be playing upstairs so we both went and checked it out up there and it was much quieter. I decided to stay. I had bowled my first frame and was waiting for my next turn when I woke up to paramedics in my face. Lovely. They carted me off to the hospital where mom, dad and Jill met me. The paramedics were nice enough. I was there til about 11pm when mom convinced the warden I was good to go (I think it had something to do with me being dressed with shoes on, doing my best to look perky).
I think the seizure freaked out the people I was bowling with... I saw a few of them last night at worship practice and they were nice enough. It takes people a while to warm up to me again after seeing me on the floor shaking like that. Sucks, but that's reality. Everything will be well in a few weeks... they'll see me as myself again eventually. They always come around.
The bonus in all this is that I was seizure-free for almost 9 months! Woohoo!! I'm praying for another 9 months of seizure-free-ness.
So the last few days have been spent finding my feet. This seizure business is hard work. I can't imagine how me or anyone who loves me managed through those first few months/year of seizure after seizure. Thank you to you guys who stood by me!
Dad and I have been working away on my sewing desk. Its coming along awesomely! We stripped off the old stain and varnish and found beautiful oak underneath! It all looks fabulous. Dad will be here any minute to pick me up. We're going to the New and Used to see if we can find some old oak boards to match the desk to use as the top. We're hoping for an oak door with some inset panelling that we can put a glass top on. I'll hopefully have my new desk in my living room early next week at the latest. Will post pics when its all finished!
Better get a move on. Hope you're all well.
Talk to you soon!
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