Hello folks.
Have had a good couple days... More great weather has made for more exploring outside!
Yesterday I went to Parkholm and volunteered for an hour in their thereputic pool. We do gentle exersices with the clients and soak while we chatter away and catch up each week. Its nice. I look foward to it each week. I came home via Jenny's... she didn't answer her door (sometimes her buzzer doesn't work) so I kept hoofin' it. Was home for a bit and then went out with Jill to Langley. She needed to pick up a box of horseshoes for her next job. I went along purely for the ride. We stopped at Esquires for a chai tea latte each. Delicious - Seriously good! I highly recommend them! Came home, stopped at Sue and Dennis' so Jill could rasp one of their horses' hind feet. We stopped at Superstore so I could pick up some pictures I had printed then she dropped me off at home after all that. I got some 5x7" pictures done so I could put them up on the wall in the bathroom. The pictures I had there were from 2 years ago... time for an update. The picture above is one of the pictures on my wall.
Today was mostly quiet. It was nice to just chill. Was going to walk to Liquidation World so I called to tell Jill I would be a bit late (she was going to pick me up at 4) but she decided to come in early so we could go to LW together. Afterwards we picked up a few things here at my place and then went to mom and dad's for supper with our cousin Janet and her mom Aunt Aileen (they're actually dad's aunt and cousin). We ate and drank and played Cranium. My team won (me, aunt and Janet). The winning card had me acting out a "revolving door". tee hee. Mom bought me non-alcoholic wine which really, really made my day. I don't do alcohol. It was such a nice touch (my mom loves me!)... and it tasted really good. Jill reminded me right off the bat that wine is supposed to be sipped, not chugged. Alcoholic wine or not, it was kind of her to clue me in! ha ha.
Tomorrow is Sunday. Our little praise group is singing at church in the morning. Practice is at 9am. We're singing two songs... can't remember the title of either of 'em, but they're good songs. I just hate singing into the mic. Microphones are evil! I plan to pop over to Pricesmart in the afternoon to pick up a few groceries for supper Monday. Mom dad and Jill are coming over for chicken and dumplings "a la crockpot". I'm excited and hope it turns out well!
Alas, its getting late.
Talk to you soon!
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