Hello folks!
Had a good day today!
I got to visit Kristy and cuddle with her new baby. SO adorable. A little boy, about a week or two old, weighed in at 8lbs 11oz. And what a total cuddle bum! Fell asleep on Kristy after nursing then she passed him on to me. I loved it! It was a nice bike ride to Kristy's, too! Lovely!
Had worship practice tonight... it went reasonably well. We had a crash course/refresher course in how to read music. At first I wasn't thrilled but it was nice to brush up on it again... its been a while since I actually read a piece of music!
Guitar was also good. Haven't had a guitar lesson in a dog's age. Troy's been under the weather all summer but was feeling better enough today. It was great! Nice to get back in the groove.
Tomorrow is another busy day. I'm having lunch with Jen, then am seeing Michelle for a bit. We're going to hoof it down to the yarn store and pick up some crochet hooks for her. Am going over to mom and dad's for supper. Mom and dad's old neighbour Ruth is coming over for supper with her daughter (who used to babysit me!). Should be a good time. Dad's cooking a salt-packed roast which is one of my favourite ways to cook meat!
I made Michelle a blanket. It was supposed to be her Christmas present but she could use a pick-me-up so I've made it early and am going to give it to her tomorrow. I think she'll like it. Here's a pic:

Jill sent some pictures from Saskatchewan. I'll post them in the next couple days.
Talk to you soon!
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