I'm a bit of an insomniac these days so while I'm not sleeping, I thought I would write up a post on the latest happenings in my world!
Jill and her bff Sue popped over tonight for a movie night. We busted out the kleenex and watched "My Sister's Keeper". We all read the book and loved it and thought watching the movie would be a good idea. I've seen the movie twice before and bawled my way through it both times... Jill and Sue did an amazing job not sobbing. I was thankful that I could distract myself by making these mitts. I attempted to teach Sue to crochet a few months ago but it just wasn't her thing so she gifted me the yarn and hook and I whipped these together. Took about three hours - the pattern is my own design and they're really cozy and easy to make. I still have another ball of yarn so I'll whip her up a scarf, too.

Mom and dad hired me last week to go through their attic and decide what of my childhood stuff I wanted to keep. So much of it was just stored there after we moved to the farmhouse and most of it was forgotten. There was plenty of stuff to go through - books, stuffies, school work, toys, etc. At the end of each scholastic year dad would give us a box for all the stuff we wanted to keep. I had 12 boxes to go through... I made quick work of that and ended up with three boxes at the end of the day - one box for Kindergarten through grade six, one box for grades seven through nine and one box for grades ten through twelve. We took a whole bunch of young-adult novels to the bookman and got quite a bit of credit on my account. (YAY!)
While I was rooting through the attic I came across several hand-knit and crocheted items that Great-Grandma Nowlin made for Jill and I. It was a real treat to go through all the crocheted "gowns" she made for our dolls. I kept them all! Its amazing... looking at the dresses now I can see exactly how she made them and how plain they really are but as a child, they were true princess dresses! I also came across several "friends" that she knitted and crocheted for Jill and I. One of these friends was my rabbit:

After going through the wash at mom's, he has arrived and is currently camping out in my living room. I'm going to re-create him! His arms are knit but the rest of him is crocheted. He won't be hard to make at all and I hope to make him for Rowan's birthday this May. I think Jenny would really like that. This rabbit was a special friend to me as a child - you can't quite tell from the picture how worn he is... lets just say he's well loved!!
There's so much that I want to write but some of it has to do with surprises for certain people in my life. I'll have to write about it after the fact!
I think its time to give sleep another try.
Talk to you soon!
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